
Angelus®MTA (Grey) 1g

Bioceramic reparative cement

* Treatment of perforations of root canal and furcation caused iatrogenically or by caries lesion
* Via canal treatment of root perforation due to internal resorption
* Surgical treatment of root perforation due to internal resorption
* Periapical surgery with reverse filling
* Pulp capping
* Pulpotomy (removal of affected coronal pulp to preserve vitality of remaining pulp tissue)
* Apexogenesis (induction of root development in vital teeth with an inflamed coronal pulp)
* Apexification (induction of formation of a mineralized barrier at the root tip of young permanent teeth with incomplete root development and a necrotic pulp)

* Ions Calcium Release: Enhances formation of mineralized tissues; provides biological seal of perforations and total repair of damaged periradicular tissues
* Biological action: Capable of inducing neoformation of periradicular cementum
* Easy to use: does not lose properties due to moisture of oral tissues
* High alkalinity: Bactericidal
* Low solubility: Does not disintegrate
* Biocompatible to oral tissues: Low inflamatory response
* Adequate compressive strength: Can be used as base restoration material
* More radiopaque than dentin and bone: Easy radiograph visibility
* Setting time of 15 minutes: Possibility of immediate restoration